Giving to Career & Technical Education
Invest in the workforce of tomorrow by giving financially to Career & Technical Education. Your donations may be used four ways:
- General Donations: Used for project materials or other various program needs. Donors may request that funds be used for a specific project.
- Program Sponsorship: Donors may support the purchase of PPE, uniforms and other specialty or individualized student materials for programs that require them. Donors may request that funds be allocated to a specific program of study.
- Event Sponsor: Support CTE departmental, community, and advisory events. Donors may request that funds be used for a specific CTE related event.
- Scholarship Donor: Contribute to the CTE Scholarship Fund.
Investment Return: Donors will receive event or project recognition when appropriate. Sponsors contributing $1,000 or more to CTE programs will receive a CTE website feature to include donor name and/or company logo and website listing.
Donations can be made online or via check and mailed to:
Brewer High School
Attn: CTE Dept.
1025 W. Loop 820 N.
Fort Worth, Texas 76108